Curious about going Dry?

Dry January?

So, did you give it a go? Dry January seemed to be more popular this year than in previous years, or maybe my ears were just a little more in tune to the conversation. Like most people around the world, I look at January as a fresh start and in recent years, that has meant abstaining from alcohol for the month.

This piece isn't about scaring you sober by discussing the negative side effects of alcohol in detail, nor am I claiming to have discovered the fountain of youth and am now transcending humanity! I really just want to "start a conversation" or perhaps I'm weighing in on one that you're already having.

Why are we constantly being sold that every activity in life is better with a glass of wine, beer, spirits, etc.? Have you ever actually tried to ski, run, cycle, swim or go to to the gym after having a cocktail. It's not pretty. Over the last 20 years I've noticed an uptick in boozy merchandise, tea-towels, t-shirts, coffee mugs, socks, you name it! And it seems that every TV or movie character can't get through a scene without a glass of wine, pint, snifter etc. What ever happened to Seinfeld and his Snapple?!

As a Personal Trainer, I would never tell a client to give up alcohol or give up anything for that matter. When us humans are faced with an all-or-nothing approach, there is a common reaction to dig our heels in or worse, binge on the forbidden fruit. However, it is my job and responsibility to push client's out of their comfort zone, experiment and encourage people to "try"!

This is one of the most wonderful things about being human, we can experiment with our nutrition, exercise program, try new sports etc. If you tried Dry January this year or have ever conscientiously avoided alcohol for an experimental amount of time, you will have noticed that your sleep improved, your mood improved, you may have become more patient and your energy levels increased, among other things. You don't have to consider yourself to be a heavy drinker, or a light drinker for that matter in order to experiment with an alcohol-free month. In fact, don't change your drinking habits at all but I challenge you to be aware of what it does for you physically and mentally. I just feel that we are so bombarded with images of alcohol that some of us no longer question our alcohol habits.

As a fitness professional, I feel an increasing responsibility to be open to this conversation because of the constant messaging to the contrary we constantly face in society. I'm not intending to preach, I'm merely offering thoughts to contemplate.

If you're curious about going dry for a stint, check out this free program The Alcohol Experiment. I followed the program a few years ago and found it incredibly interesting (and not in the least bit preachy)!

Wishing you a month of great health!
