Beach Body Tips

If the title hooked you, you’re not alone!

For too long, we’ve bought into (or have been fed) a societal ideal on how our bodies need to look in order to earn the right to wear a bikini on the beach. Who’s to say what we need to look like in order to where a one piece, a two piece, a thong, a full piece? Is there an age limit, does our skin still need to have the right amount of collagen so we don’t offend others? Do we have to have a visible 6 pack or otherwise be covered up? God forbid anyone see our stretch marks, vericose veins, sagging skin, muffin top….someone might think we’re human!

Admittedly, body positivity has made some progress in recent years and I applaud the companies who feature women of all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities and orientations in their ad campaigns as well their online shopping sites (eg. American Eagle ). We also have a growing number of role models in social media who are challenging the outdated “ideals” (eg. Train with Joan - I always love when she replies to comments about dressing her age). Despite the damage that has already occurred, we have the power to choose what our personal narrative sounds like going forward, starting today.

If you clicked on the this article thinking you might find the answer that will get you in the shape you’re dreaming of by the summertime, you’re not in the wrong place. However, I do think you’re already “Beach Body Ready”! How we think and what we feel are interrelated. You already know that treating your body to a healthy lifestyle affects your mental health in a positive way. Likewise, a positive mindset allows us to push past our perceived physical limits.

From this day forward, “Beach Body Ready”, simply means, you have a body and you’re taking it to the beach. And you are going to wear whatever makes YOU happy! I know, I’m making it sound simple and for some it will be, for others there will be work to do.

Beach Body Tips:

  • Recognize & acknowledge the negative thoughts about your body as they come. (eg. “I can’t believe my saddle bags!”)

  • Reword the negative thought and literally speak the positive rewrite to yourself in the mirror, or silently to yourself if you’re in public and don’t want to draw attention to yourself :) (eg. “My legs are amazing, they take me everywhere I want to go!”)

  • Practice this over and over and over again (and then repeat).

  • Think about all of the wonderful things your body does for you and write down what you’re grateful for. (eg. “I love my long eyelashes”, “I’m proud that I can run/walk 5km”)

  • You’ve heard this before, “Be your best friend”. Don’t say things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to your best friend.

  • Use body positive language with friends & family, we do not have to engage in self-deprecation just because that’s what we were taught was acceptable. We certainly do not have to role model that type of language for the younger female generation!

  • Suit up, put some sunscreen on and head to your favourite beach, pool or dock and enjoy the day!

Engaging in positive self-talk can lead to all kinds of wonderful changes such as inspiring you to make small, healthy choices each day that will help you reach your wellness goals. Think about it, if you recognize what your body does for you every day and are proud of your strengths, aren’t you more likely to fuel with nourishing foods than to engage in a binge/guilt cycle? By practicing small healthy choices and positive self-talk, you’ll be more than “Beach Body Ready” when the temps rise again. Instead of fretting over how you look, you’ll be looking forward to enjoying the day!

See you at the beach!
